Traffic Calming at The Leys


The speed hump on the road alongside the Leys
The speed hump on the road alongside the Leys

The long anticipated redevelopment of the leys by Courtside in partnership with Witney Town Council is well underway.

With the new, bigger Coffee Shed café destined to become a multi-activity community hub and with additional courts and other enhanced and new recreational facilities, the project aims to promote physical and social well-being and the Leys is set to become the flagship recreation destination for Witney. With greater numbers of people expected to use the Leys and and a likely increase in vehicles accessing the site, traffic calming measures have been put in place to mitigate risk to pedestrians.

Speed Cushion on the road alongside the Leys
Speed Cushion

The road alongside the Leys was already identified as an area where some antisocial driving behaviours had been observed and speeding was also regularly happening.

Speed Hump

Witney Town Council consulted with local residents and as a result of feedback contributed a sum of £5000 toward the traffic calming project, comprising speed cushions and a hump in The Leys, which was delivered and co-funded by Oxfordshire County Council.


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