The Annual Town Meeting – Join the Conversation

Annual Town Meeting Wednesday 11th March 2020

Main Hall, The Corn Exchange, Witney 7.30 pm

[Refreshments available from 6.45pm]


The meeting is an important part of local democracy and is open to all registered electors in the town.

Annual Town Meeting Agenda 11 March 2020 c

Held once a year, the Annual Town Meeting  is facilitated by the Town Council on behalf of the electorate. This is not a Council meeting, but an opportunity for residents to raise and discuss matters affecting the town and to ask questions and express views about the year ahead.

The Mayor will open the meeting and Town Council committee chairs will present brief reports to let you know what the Council has been working on for the last year, and its future plans.

The evening also includes a display from charities and organisations that have received financial grants from the Council; giving an insight into how the money has been spent and the benefit this has brought to the town.

Residents are encouraged to take part in the public question session. If you have any questions you would like to raise it would be helpful, but not essential, if they could be submitted in advance of the meeting.

Questions asked in advance can be researched in order that a more informed discussion can take place and a comprehensive answer may be provided at the meeting. Submit your questions by letter or email  to the Town Clerk:

After the formal session of the meeting, there follows an opportunity for residents to take part in a Youth Services mapping exercise and the input from this will to highlight gaps in provision and to steer funding to where it is most needed 

Tea and coffee will be available before the meeting.




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