Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Temporary Emergency Footpath Closure at Curbridge, Footpath 1C (185/1C/10)
In the interests of public safety it will be necessary for Oxfordshire County Council to temporarily close footpath 1C (185/1C/10) whilst repairs to a damaged and failing bridge structure are carried out for public safety reasons).
A temporary Emergency Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from 20 March 2025.
The anticipated completion date is 9 April 2025, 24 hours per day.
A single Temporary Emergency Notice can last for 21 consecutive days maximum.
Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for those frontages within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works and liaison with the works supervisor.
Further information regarding the works may be obtained by contacting Katie Walther, Countryside Access team- Oxfordshire County Council on 0345 310 11 11.Or email katie.walther@oxfordshire.gov.uk