One Week Left to Win Corn Exchange Cinema Tickets

Join in with our lovely mini beast themed summer competition for a chance to win one of three Corn Exchange big screen cinema passes and to see your artwork displayed in the Gallery Room.
We are inviting you to submit an A4 sized picture – drawing or painting of the most interesting insect you can find in your garden or the park.
You don’t need any special equipment to go on a bug hunt, but the items below can be very useful if you want a closer look at some of the amazing creepy crawlies that live in the garden.
Clear containers to hold them safely while you look at them. You can get specialist bug boxes but you don’t really need one to enter our competition.
A spoon or small paintbrush helps you gently collect them so they don’t get hurt when you pick them up.
A magnifying glass is great to help you see all the details.
You can look them all up on line to find out more about each of them that you find. Then choose your favourite to draw.
Some are very wriggly so taking a photo might help you to draw it
and it means you can let the little creature go and paint it later.
Always put them back close to where you found them so they can find their way back to their home.
The Woodland Trust has a lovely fact sheet that can help identify some that you may come across.
Don’t forget to put your name, age and contact details on the back of your picture and send it in by post to:
Insect Safari, Witney Town Council, Town Hall, Market Square, Witney OX28 6AG
or by email to

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