Looking Back – Fifty Years of Witney Town Council – April 3rd 1974


 extract from the minutes – minute 3

The Council considered the position that had arisen as to office accommodation for the Town Council following the apparent failure to agree with the West Oxfordshire District Council as to successor Parish Council rights in the matter. The Chairman explained the outcome of the meeting held on the morning of Saturday 30th March, 1974 between herself and members of the Parish Council with the acting Clerks and the Chairman and Treasurer of the West Oxfordshire District Council. The requirements of both Councils was referred to and following a private meeting between the two Chairmen it was found that there was no basis of agreement. It was suggested by Mr. Edgington that the matter should go to arbitration and the Chairman of the new Oxfordshire County Council was suggested.

Following a comprehensive discussion of the problem that had arisen, and bearing in mind the efforts previously taken by the Witney Urban District Council over a long period to resolve this matter before  1st April, 1974, it was decided that this whole question should be referred to the Department of the Environment as a formal matter of dispute on the basis of the situation that currently exists and the acceptance by this Council of the resolution of the Witney Urban District Council of 27th March 1974 dealing with this matter.

The question of the exclusive use of the offices specified in the resolution currently being used was raised, and the Clerk explained that until such time as the District Council moved its storage equipment out, including the fixed safe, and the Parish Council subsequently moved in, there would have to be a mutually acceptable means of access for both parties to a number of rooms in the building.




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Join us for Councillors at the Café, returning to the Corn Exchange on Saturday 1 March ⭐ From 10 am to 12 noon, you can

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Reminder that the Witney Library will be temporarily located in the Witney Fire Station starting Wednesday next week due to the upcoming refurbishment! Directions to

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What a lovely gesture - a donation of football kits to pupils that will put them to great use. We're very proud to be partners

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