Heritage Open Day – Write Up Your Street event CANCELLED

CANCELLED- We are sorry to announce that this event has been cancelled and apologise for any disappointment-  CANCELLED


Are you a local history buff? We are just launching our @heritageopenday event for 2019. The theme is #ThisIsPeoplePower. Who are the movers & shakers of times gone by commemorated by having streets in Witney named after them? We are asking residents to find out https://www.witney-tc.gov.uk/heritage-open-day-2019-write-u…/
We will mount a family friendly FREE exhibition of findings in the Corn Exchange. Where do you live? Fancy researching your house or business building? Did someone notable live there? We’ll include that too.
Lots of hits and tips on how to get started on our website now.


Witney Town Council

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Witney Town Council

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