Commonwealth Day Flag Raising 2020

The theme for Commonwealth Day 2020 is:Delivering a Common Future: Connecting, Innovating, Transforming.

Lovely words on this theme, in this year’s affirmation, were read aloud by Mayor of Witney, Cllr Duncan Enright after he raised the flag above the Town Hall.

The Affirmation
We affirm that every person possesses unique worth and dignity.
We affirm our respect for nature, and that we will be stewards of the earth by
caring for every part of it, and for it as a whole.
We affirm our belief in justice for everyone, and peace among peoples
and nations.
Joining together in kinship and affinity, in diversity and unity, as members
of a worldwide family of nations, we build on shared inheritances.
We cooperate with mutual respect and goodwill to deliver a common future
for the good of all.
Through Commonwealth connection we learn from one another, and innovate
to transform our communities, our nations and our world.

The Mayor raising the Commonwealth Flag Commonwealth flag flying Mayor, Cllr Duncan Enright reads the Commonwealth Day affrmation with Cllr Liz Duncan in attendance


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