Buttercross Clock

For those who have been taking an interest in the state of the Buttercross clock, here is an update. The clock repairman has been up inside the roof and made a full assessment of what is causing the clock’s inability to keep accurate time.

The good news is that the actual mechanism is in perfect order.  The issue lies with the receiver which picks up the time signal. The current receiver is no longer powerful enough to consistently pick up the signal from the UK transmitter which has moved.

Therefore, next week Councillors will be asked to approve the purchase and installation of a new, more powerful receiver, identical to the one that is successfully keeping time for the Corn Exchange clock and this should resolve the issue.  For the time being the clock hands have both been placed at 12 for stability and to help protect them.Th clock tower of the Buttercross


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Our Decades Disco was a hit! Bringing in a great range of ages from all over Witney and beyond for a good Saturday night boogie

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Join us for Councillors at the Café, returning to the Corn Exchange on Saturday 1 March ⭐ From 10 am to 12 noon, you can

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4 days 6 hours ago

Reminder that the Witney Library will be temporarily located in the Witney Fire Station starting Wednesday next week due to the upcoming refurbishment! Directions to

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