Annual Town meeting postponed

March, is usually the time when Witney Town Council hosts the Annual Town Meeting.
This is NOT a Town Council meeting, but an annual statutory meeting of the town’s electors a public meeting of the Local Government electors of Witney, who have the right to attend, to speak and take part in the discussions.

Residents attending the Annual Town MeetingResidents attending the Annual Town Meeting


Due to COVID-19 restrictions it is not possible to do this in it’s normal format this year. Online meetings are not very satisfactory for larger numbers of people, so the Council has taken the decision to delay holding the meeting in the hope that restrictions will be lifted enough for it to take place in the usual way.
There is a time limit on this in order to meet the statutory requirement, so the provisional date for this is now towards the end of May and we will advise of the actual date nearer the time.

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Witney Town Council

21 hours 50 minutes ago

Our Decades Disco was a hit! Bringing in a great range of ages from all over Witney and beyond for a good Saturday night boogie

Witney Town Council

1 day 22 hours ago

Join us for Councillors at the Café, returning to the Corn Exchange on Saturday 1 March ⭐ From 10 am to 12 noon, you can

Witney Town Council

3 days 18 hours ago

Reminder that the Witney Library will be temporarily located in the Witney Fire Station starting Wednesday next week due to the upcoming refurbishment! Directions to

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