In an Emergency

If you are in a life threatening
emergency situation right now, do not delay. Please dial 999 and ask for Police, Ambulance, or Fire Brigade

This page is intended to  support community resilience  in preparing for, and responding to common emergencies, such as weather events, power and other utility failures, and major fire, traffic or industrial accidents and incidents that cause town-wide or significant disruption.  It will also be useful for residents seeking help in such emergencies. If you know what to do and who to contact, it makes it much easier to deal with an emergency effectively.

Emergency Contact Numbers

With thanks to Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum for the following list of important contacts. Click on the green links to visits their emergency pages.

Thames Valley Police non-emergency number  101

NHS 111 online  dial 111

Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service  01865 842999 – 24/7

 Anti Terrorism Hotline and reporting page  0800 789 321

Environment Agency 

General Enquiries  08708 506 506

Floodline  0845 988 1188

Incident Reporting  0800 80 70 60

 Thames Water 24 hour hotline: 08459 200 800

Local Contact numbers – West Oxfordshire


Oxfordshire County Council  General enquiries 01865 792422 24/7

Oxfordshire County Council Highways 0345 310 1111
                                 Out of hours emergency 01223 849731 (only for matters imminently likely to cause an accident or damage property)

West Oxfordshire District Council  01993 861000

Witney Town Council  01993 704379

In a genuine out of hours emergency, relating only to Witney Town Council services or property, such as dangerous structures in cemeteries and play areas, that are a threat to life, please call 07423 124006

John Radcliffe Hospital (A&E)  01865 741166 – 24/7

Horton Banbury Hospital (A&E)  01295 275500 – 24/7


There are defibrillators across Witney.  Remember, the first thing to do in any emergency is to ring 999.
The Emergency call centre staff will be able to direct you to your nearest defib and talk to you about what to do while help is on the way.

Flooding – where to get sandbags

West Oxfordshire District Council provides sandbags

During an imminent risk of flooding to property, when an Environment Agency Flood Alert or Flood Warning  has been  declared, West Oxfordshire District Council will give out sandbags  free of charge. If you are elderly or disabled they will deliver them for you.   In an emergency loose sand and bags can be made up by members of the public at the District Council’s premises at

Witney: Elmfield Offices, New Yatt RoadOX28 1PB

Oxfordshire County Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority and has a flood toolkit on its website.

Registering for Priority Utility Services

The Priority Services Register is a free service provided by suppliers and network operators. Each energy supplier and network operator maintains its own register and offers different services.

There are no clear-cut definitions regarding who qualifies, but lots of people and families are eligible . The following are a few examples of what makes you eligible for priority services:

  • You’re of pensionable age

  • You have a disability

  • You need additional support in a certain way

  • Your well-being would suffer if you lost your energy supply

  • You have a chronic illness

  • You have a hearing or visual impairment

  • Families with young children are usually eligible

  • Those dependent on medical equipment

No proof of your disability, impairment, or age is required but you do need to check that you are eligible as this varies with different providers.

Any households with children under the age of five are given priority, so if this applies to you it’s worth contacting your supplier.

If you are not sure who your provider is – it will be on a recent bill. If you don’t have one you can try using your postcode on the energy networks site to determine the main supplier for your region. 

Water Gas and Electricity Priority Services Registers can be found below:

Thames Water Priority Services register

Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) Priority Services  register

Emergency Planning

To help you plan for emergencies the Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum have produced a booklet that informs you of how you and your family can be better prepared.

Are You Ready Emergency Planning Booklet

Are you Ready Emergency Planning Booklet












Business Continuity Planning

Oxfordshire County Council has lots of information on creating a Business Continuity Plan 


Facebook Feed

Witney Town Council

3 days 21 hours ago

Note: For more accuracy this is the bridge used to cross the River Windrush located near to the offices of Audley Travel. Between Burford Road,

Witney Town Council

5 days 15 hours ago

Looking forward to this tomorrow evening. Lots of opportunities to ask your questions. Wednesday 19th March 2025, Annual Town Meeting taking place at the Witney

Witney Town Council updated their cover photo.

6 days 15 hours ago
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