Civic Reception and The Citizen of the Year Awards

The Civic Reception

Nominating someone for an Award

The Nomination Form

Guidance Notes

Past Winners

The Civic Reception

is usually one of the last events that the Mayor hosts in their term of office. It’s an occasion where some of the best aspects of the Town are celebrated. Musical entertainment is provided by local groups and the Outstanding Citizens are awarded.

It is open to specially invited guests including the winning Citizens and their friends and family.

Nominating for an Award

The search is on to find Witney’s Outstanding Citizen of the Year. This prestigious annual award goes to someone who has given their time and energy to benefit their local community usually (but not always) on a voluntary basis.

Judges will be looking in particular for selfless service to a voluntary body or the community or someone whose service is acknowledged as making a real difference to the everyday lives of others. There is no age barrier, but nominees must live or carry out the work for which they have been nominated, in Witney.

Friends, relatives, neighbours and colleagues have the chance to nominate a special person for the prestigious title or any of the other awards which include; a Certificate of Outstanding Merit, Outstanding Commitment to Public Service and Outstanding Contribution. Witney Town Council is looking for people who have given exemplary service, which may be paid or unpaid, who make a real difference to Witney.

Residents who go that extra mile to help others will be recognised in the annual awards, presented by the Mayor at the Civic Reception in March next year.

ANYONE thinking about nominating a deserving individual as Witney’s Citizen of the Year or for any of the other awards has until Sunday 12th January 2025 to submit their details.

If you know someone who has demonstrated extraordinary commitment, energy and effort in order to achieve something of great benefit to you or your community nominate them on the form below or contact the Town Hall for a nomination form.

The Nomination Form



1 Please complete the nomination form accurately and include as much information as you can to support your nomination and make a compelling case for them to get an award.

2 Providing letters of support from others who have first hand knowledge of, and can endorse the nominees contribution, makes a stronger application.

3 Be clear about which of the awards you are nominating someone for by ticking the correct box.

4 The number of awards available is strictly limited and therefore, however valuable their service, not everyone nominated can win an award. It is important to realise that an award will not automatically
follow a submission, but if not selected for an award this year, they may be nominated again next year.

5 We do not make posthumous awards.

6 All nominations for awards are treated in the strictest confidence. the nominee should NOT be informed that they have been nominated, as it is not fair to raise expectations in case they are not met.

7 Upon receipt of your nomination we will send an acknowledgement to you at the email address you have provided. We regret that it is not possible to enter into correspondence on the merits or progress of a particular nomination while it is under consideration.

8 The decision of the Mayor is final.


Please tell us clearly what your nominee has done that makes them stand out against others. Provide as much information as possible. Too little information makes it hard to judge.

We are looking for outstanding service to others, paid or unpaid or significant achievements. Tell us how they have delivered in a way that has brought distinction to life in Witney.
You should include details of what the person you are nominating does, why you think that they should receive an award, how you know them and the work they do. Make it clear if the achievement is in one area or in a number of different areas.

Reason for nomination. Remember this is all we have to judge on. Tell us why they are so amazing. In what area have they excelled? Who has their hard work had an impact on? How long have they been doing this? Has their hard work been recognised elsewhere? In the press, by other groups, or have they received other awards? What makes what they do stand out from others in the same field?

Tell us why they are deserving of an award. Let them know how much they are appreciated – we will include some of the comments you make in a speech about them if they are selected as one of the winners!

Don’t forget to ask other people to support your nomination and if you have emails or letters from them please send them on to us or ask them to also submit a form.

REMEMBER THEY MUST LIVE, OR CARRY OUT THE WORK FOR WHICH THEY ARE BEING NOMINATED, IN WITNEY. Any nominations not meeting this criteria will not be considered.

Past Winners

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