Climate, Biodiversity and Planning Committee 22 September 2020 Virtual Meeting Link
To watch the Climate, Biodiversity and Planning Committee on 22 September 2020 at 6pm, please click below:- https://zoom.us/j/92715667455?pwd=dENEM2t4QklwUVhPWGtUajJxVWk2dz09
Town Hall Office closed for Training
Our office is closed this morning for training until midday. Apologies for any inconvenience
Witney Town Guide Calls to Local Businesses
Witney Town Council would like to assure local businesses that have been contacted by Local Authority Publishing stating that they are calling from or on behalf of Witney Town Council,…
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Nice to see the new look of the mini golf down at the Leys - just in time for the nice weather! ☀️🌻⛳