Searchable database of shops suppliers and services in Witney

At this really challenging time when so many things have, out of necessity changed or become unavailable here is a really useful at a glance, searchable guide to local shops, suppliers and services in Witney. Hopefully using this we can mutually support each other through the COVID-19 crisis and lend a helping hand to keep our local businesses going.

Services and shops searchable database link

Image showing layout of database


Witney Town Council

1 day 3 hours ago

Don't forget your photo ID on Thursday - polling station information from West Oxfordshire District Council below 🪪❌

Witney Town Council

1 day 23 hours ago

Look out for this great organisation in our Admin Office Window

Witney Town Council

2 days 2 hours ago

One of our local football teams received two awards at the Oxfordshire FA awards at the weekend. Congratulations to Witney Vikings Youth Football Club who

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