Thank you to all those who took part in the Town Council’s resident satisfaction survey which ran earlier this year. We had nearly 450 responses from residents of varying ages and welcome the positive (mostly) feedback received on the town council’s services.
Every year, once we have collated the comments according to subject matter these are fed back to the appropriate committees and you can look at the comments for this year by checking committee reports on our website. We also address the most frequently expressed ones and explain what has been done in a You Said, We Did article that appears in the printed newsletter delivered to each household, each year in early spring.
There were many comments on services which are the responsibility of other authorities too, we always write to them and advise of the issues that matter to you and continue to lobby them wherever appropriate. You can explore our A-Z of services and and see which councils do what.
As a reminder (in brief):
Oxfordshire County Council – roads, highways, and verges (including potholes), Witney High Street improvements
West Oxfordshire District Council – litter picking, town centre bins, car parks, leisure centre & ATP, economic development – Marriott’s walk and work with shops/businesses
Witney Town Council – play areas, recreation grounds (and bins on them), floral arrangements, cemeteries, public halls, Christmas lights, Lake & Country Park
A full list ALL COUNCIL’S services and responsibilities can be found on the town council’s website.
We know it can be frustrating trying to find out who maintains which piece of land or who is responsible for tasks (it’s frustrating for us too!), especially when it comes to grass cutting.
We have a handy map on our website which shows Witney Land Responsibilities scroll down to the middle of the page.
If you are in any doubt and have a query please contact us and we will help: