The first Community Speedwatch session in Witney was a terrific success! The volunteers did an excellent job monitoring the speed of 200 vehicles in just an hour earlier this week. Around 79% of motorists were travelling safely and responsibly but one driver was recorded travelling at 48mph in the 20mph zone outside a local primary school.
The volunteers were congratulated on their efforts by a local resident who came out to thank them in person. This support and appreciation is testament to the positive impact that Community Speedwatch can have on road safety in their communities and the role they play in promoting road safety and encouraging drivers to adhere to speed limits.
With such a fantastic response, further sessions are planned, and additional volunteers are welcome to join the team. If you’re interested in becoming a part of this initiative, you can contact the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee, who run the scheme, via the town council.
You can also find more information about Community Speedwatch on their website