Community Noticeboard

The Town Council maintains a community noticeboard to replace the one that was removed from Market Square. It is located at the southern end  of Market Square against the railings by the Town Hall.


  1. We define the Witney area as – all areas within Witney as defined by the town boundary.
  2. Events held by community clubs, groups or organisations or charities may be considered for inclusion on the Town’s notice boards, as long as they fall under the Witney area designation (as above). Posters submitted for such events that fall outside the designated area may be included if they clearly demonstrate that the organisation/s concerned directly offer or are for the benefit to the residents of Witney or comprise Witney residents or enjoy reciprocal advertising arrangements with Witney Town Council.
  3. Any event held by, or to raise funds for a charity must include the registered charity number on the poster.
  4. Charities may submit posters for events even if the charity’s registered address is outside the Witney area. If the event is outside the Witney area its inclusion will be at the discretion of Officers of Witney Town Council in accordance with the paragraph above.
  5. No commercial organisation or event will be advertised unless such event is held in one of the Witney Town Council’s venues as indicated in the Contract of Hire of said venue. No posters for an event held by a commercial organisation held in any venue other than the Witney Town Council’s Public Halls or its outdoor venues will be accepted for display.
  6. In order to maximise available space posters should be  A4 in size and portrait orientation. Posters that are not this size or shape will only be  displayed if the board is not at capacity.
  7. Posters are accepted on a first come, first served basis. No poster will be displayed more than ONE MONTH before the due date of the event. At busy times this may be limited to two weeks but we obviously cannot guarantee space to advertise your event.
  8. All posters will be removed at the first opportunity after the date of the event.
  9. All posters will be displayed by Witney Town Council on its notice boards free of charge. There are 2 noticeboards one of which is solely for the promotion of events taking place in Witney Town Council venues and events run by Witney Town Council or funded by them.  Events held elsewhere will not be advertised on this board.
  10. Posters for display must be submitted to the Town Hall at least one week before the date of the event.
  11. Witney Town Council is not responsible for the accuracy of the information displayed on the posters. It is the responsibility of the organisation concerned to ensure that all information displayed is accurate. Any errors are the sole responsibility of the event organiser.
  12. Posters that have a number of dates on them or that are for repeated events will not be displayed permanently and will be removed to make way for single occasion posters when space is limited.

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