Message from the Chief Constable Ahead of the Easter Weekend


____Thames Valley Police Logo____________________________________
The Chief Constable said: “With Easter coming this weekend and the weather forecast to be fine, it is vitally important that the public continue to adhere to the Government restrictions. I appreciate that this is a time of year when we would usually be enjoying time with our families and friends, however these are unprecedented times and we must all do our part to protect each other and the vital services of the NHS.

“Thank you to the residents of the Thames Valley for complying with the Government’s measures. They are in place to protect us all, and I appreciate the effort that all of you are making to stay indoors and social distance when you have to leave the house for an essential reason.

“I know these restrictions will now be well-known by now, but let me remind you all that you can only leave your home to shop for basic necessities, for one form of exercise per day, for a medical or care need, and to travel to and from work, but only where you cannot work from home. If you are outside for these essential activities please ensure you are at least two meters from anyone who you do not live with.

“Please do not be tempted to go out for any other reason.

“As usual, our officers will be patrolling our communities during Easter. We will be engaging with the public to ensure they are complying with the Government directives. Where there is any misunderstanding about the measures, we will explain and encourage the public to follow the guidelines. However, when necessary we will enforce the new powers given to us by Parliament.

“Our frontline officers and staff have been given personal protection equipment (PPE) to use. You may therefore see our officers wearing gloves and masks when they are out this weekend, if they are not able to keep the required distance with the public. This is for your safety and theirs.

“This is an unprecedented public health emergency and an extraordinary national effort is required to fight this virus. I am proud that the public and my staff have been working together to help save lives. I thank you all and I wish you all a very happy Easter.”
Message Sent By
Emma Tarry (Police, Communications Officer, Thames Valley)


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